Question of the Month

Should I consider psychedelic assisted therapy?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / June 26, 2024

Ever since seeing Mary Cosimano MSW and her work featured in the Netflix film Fantastic Fungi, I have hoped to interview her for Social Work Talks. What a thrill it was to finally get on her busy calendar and learn more about her pioneering work in the field of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy. Check out our…

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Where Can We Find Inspiration During Such Challenging Times?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / May 6, 2024

We can all use a bright shining spark of inspiration and it was overwhelmingly joyful to find a gigantic dose of it on Thursday evening at LearnServe International’s annual gala. LearnServe International is a local non-profit organization that understands and believes in the power of young people to create necessary social change. Their programs help…

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How Can We Help Communities Deal with Environmental Challenges?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / January 10, 2024

Rachel Forbes, MSW, and Kelly Smith, DSW, collaborated to create the NASW Press publication EcoSocial Work: Environmental Practice and Advocacy. It was humbling and memorable to discuss how climate change and environmental challenges are reshaping our world. Rachel Forbes is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Social Work and Western Colorado MSW Program…

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What is EMDR Therapy?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / September 7, 2023

I completed the level one EMDR training in 1998 and this groundbreaking way of healing has evolved deeply over time. What an honor to speak with Deany Laliotis LICSW about her monumental contributions to the development of relational EMDR therapy. Listen to Social Work Talks wherever you get your podcasts or check out the links…

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What does it mean to practice social work in an on-line world?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / August 7, 2023

Social workers understand that change is important and necessary. During times of crisis, we can find a myriad of opportunities, especially if we are willing to adapt and pivot. This is one of many inspiring themes discussed during a wonderful conversation with Liam O’Sullivan and David Wilkerson. The authors joined me as guests of the…

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How do our genetics impact our relationships and family life?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / July 9, 2023

I recently had the fascinating opportunity to speak with the University of Pennsylvania School of Public Policy and Practice (SP2) researcher and professor Dr. Allison Werner-Lin about her groundbreaking research exploring the intersection of genetics and family life. The link below takes you to the National Association of Social Workers podcast, Social Work Talks, to…

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What are your thoughts about Prince Harry’s truth telling in his recently released book, Spare?

By Spencer Northey / March 2, 2023

Spencer recently connected with the HuffPost to share professional opinions about Prince Harry’s decisions about his relationship with his family and his tell-all book, Spare. Here is her full commentary for this question of the month! What are your thoughts about Prince Harry’s stance on truth telling in his recently released book, Spare? Do you believe reconciliation with his family…

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How can men make a dent in the housework imbalance?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / February 12, 2023

Elisabeth enjoyed the chance to speak with Huffington Post about this ongoing challenge. Check out the article here as well as her full response below: Men looking for practical action items should grab the low hanging fruit and wash those dishes! Not just once in a while, but each and every day. Don’t wait to…

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Why do therapists need a professional will?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / January 21, 2023

Denial is a powerful force, and many of us in the helping profession do not take the steps that we are ethically obligated to take in order to prepare for sudden illness or death. It was illuminating to learn more about this topic through a conversation with Dr. Ann Steiner who was our guest on…

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Should You Stay in a So-So Marriage?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / July 19, 2022

Spencer recently spoke with Huffington Post about the controversy sparked by this New York Times opinion piece: I Married the Wrong Person, So Glad I Did You’ll find Spencer’s powerful perspective at this article’s conclusion, and you can check out experts from her full answers below: What Therapists Thank About Staying in a So-So Marriage…

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