Month: August 2024


By Elisabeth LaMotte / August 21, 2024

Early adulthood is a rich psychological time when personalities develop more deeply, and individuals begin to cultivate what systems therapists describe as a more grounded sense of self. Early adulthood marks a wonderful but often fraught stage of life full of pondering, pain and possibility. Illinoise, a stunning musical directed and choreographed by Justin Peck,…

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Considering A Career Pivot?

By Elisabeth LaMotte / August 13, 2024

For years now, there has been a dramatic shortage of therapists in the field. Waiting lists at agencies are far too long, and folks in emotional pain need to wait, sometimes for weeks or even months, to receive necessary care. What an inspiration it was to speak with Dr. Brooke Stroud, Dan Duane and Karey…

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By Elisabeth LaMotte / August 2, 2024

A friend recently introduced me to Bandle – an app that invites users to play name that tune with a twist. The app introduces only one component of the song at a time. With each failed guess, the app splices in one more instrument at a time. I’m a wiz with name that tune; unfortunately,…

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