
“First Burn” vs. the final version of “Burn” in Hamilton: A Lesson on Reactivity vs. Resilience

By Spencer Northey / March 7, 2023

This post is how Lin Manuel Miranda’s final version of the song, “Burn,” in his musical Hamilton, is an example of choosing more mindful empowering thoughts and actions over your “first draft” reactivity, even when you are heartbroken. As fiery as the “First Burn” draft is, the final version is the most powerful.  The final…

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Emotional Flooding and How to Identify “Monster” Thoughts

By Spencer Northey / October 22, 2022

I was originally inspired to create this blog when I noticed how much certain songs connect and overlap with the powerful feelings and experiences discussed in therapy.  This song was one of them. In Beth Crowley’s, Monster, I hear a familiar reactivity. I hear the experience of people who don’t mean to lose it, but…

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