What’s a Common Co-Parenting Challenge?

Unexpected life events can dismantle the balance of any busy family, but sudden scheduling shifts are especially challenging when they disrupt the visitation schedule of children whose parents are divorced. Abrupt requests for a scheduling change might be inspired by festive circumstances like unexpected acquisition of coveted concert tickets or by difficult life events like the death of a family member and a sudden funeral. The reasons and circumstances that lead one parent to ask their ex for time with the kids (or time without the kids) are varied and can be the source of tension, frustration or resentment. There are a fortunate handful of divorced parents who navigate this challenge with fluidity and ease. For parents who struggle with last minute requests to change their children’s schedule, the clearest solution involves honest reflection about what is best for the kids. This often corresponds with what the children want to do, but not always. For example, they may want to go to a concert on a school night; however, depending on their age and their workload (and the band) this may or may not be an optimal plan. Likewise, they may not want to miss a weekend soccer game and time with their mother to go to a funeral with their father; nevertheless, funerals are important assuming that both parents feel that the child is old enough to handle the experience.