What Are Some Strategies For Finding Closure After Divorce?

Divorce can feel like a death and it is, in a sense, the death of a dream. If you are struggling to move on, comfort yourself by acknowledging that part of your struggle probably speaks to your ability to make a lifetime commitment and mean it. Nevertheless, if reconciliation is not an option, moving on is essential. Regardless of whether there are children involved, consider the need to move on as a question of power. If you refuse to let go and move forward, you are giving another person way too much power to define and determine your life experience.
If you have children, envision your future, and your future relationship with your children. If you won’t let go, you compromise your wellbeing, your children’s wellbeing AND the wellbeing of your relationship with your children. If you harp on the past and cling to a relationship that has ended, your children will pick up on this and it will cause them unnecessary stress and immeasurable pain. Your children will resent you for it down the line. Instead, consider this an opportunity to face hardship with your chin up and take the high road. Make every effort to learn and grow in the face of adversity and you will set an example for your children that instills fortitude and resilience.