How Deep Breathing With Your Partner Helps You “Feel The Magic Floating In The Air”

If you breathe-in to the musical sunrise that is the intro to Faith Hill’s powerhouse ballad, “Breathe,” you are inviting in the peace of a deep full breath. Talk therapy can help with many issues, but it’s no substitute for the regular practice of deep breathing. Deep breathing puts you directly into the “here and now.” Deep breathing works through your nervous system almost like a healing massage. A deep breath can suspend your thoughts and emotions, lifting and airing them out so that they can settle down more neatly. Like flapping a sheet to fold it straight. When you practice deep breathing you don’t need to react so frantically. And when you make deep breathing a regular practice in your life you will experience more patience and intention in your responses.
Faith Hill’s performance of “Breathe,” speaks to the deep connection and serenity of breathing with a partner. Practicing breathing with a partner not only gives you the calming benefits of individual breathwork, but it can deepen your connection with that partner.
If you’re inspired to get to breath work with your partner here are some links to get you started:
This post from PsychCentral further details the benefits of deep breathing with a partner and outlines 4 simple partner-breathing exercises:
This post from My Inspiration Studio outlines a 9-minute back-to-back partner breathing exercise. It includes an audio recording to guide you two through the practice:
This post from The Relationship Suite reviews a deep breathing exercise and also outlines 2 mindfulness exercises that go beyond deep breathing together:
If you only have a minute, this post on Medium shares a guide to a short and sweet way to practice breathing with your partner:
If you don’t want to read a lot, this post by Little Flower Yoga is the shortest post I could find:
Juuuuussst breathe…..