Something Corporate and How to “Forget December”

We are in peak summer 2021 and December 2020 seems a long way away. Even though things are not completely back to normal, and some of us are anxious about the variant, most of us who are vaccinated in the DC area have been able to move on from having to stay in, socially distanced from friends and families. Many of us have spent these past months eagerly catching up with all we missed last year. In the summer sun of this year, it’s easy for some of us to forget last December and how tough it was for so many people. For some of us, we are still reeling from loss and problems from last December. And some couples are still shaking off all the fights that arose from such a blizzard of stress last year.
The song “Forget December” by Something Corporate has been one of my anthems for couples shaking off those fights.
Lyric Sample:
Forget December
It won’t be better
Than I remember it before
“Forget December” is also for anyone who needs to shake off some regrettable incidents from a time where we were all a little out of our minds. This song could be about the end of a relationship, or just the end of a tense chapter. Either way, the lyrics instruct us to rock out and move on. I like the matter-of-fact narrative that then launches into the chorus letting it go. Sometimes it’s best not to go back into too much detail about the past and just sing “Forget December.”
If you need help letting go beyond just this song, one of my favorite tools for letting go either of the past or a worry that just came up is this decision tree on worrying. What I especially like about this tree is that it does not default to, “just let it go.” If you really can do something about it right now, you should. Do you need to follow up with something? Fix something within your power to fix? Do you need to apologize or make amends? This tree guides users through various possibilities in order to decide when you could benefit from taking action and when you should push yourself to move through feelings and memories and try to let them go.
Forget December
By Something Corporate
On Christmas morning
Outside was pouring
All was hopeless in this home
But no one’s speaking
And no one creeping
To see if she was on the phone
And you were quiet
This routine riot
Is all but practical to me
And if we see it
Why can’t we beat it
Can we let each other be?
Forget December
It won’t be better
Than I remember it before
And this month only
Will be so lonely
But not so Holy anymore
New Years Eve came
But nothing had changed
All the problems just got worse
We sat in silence
No routine science
Could heal the sickness we rehearse
And if I’m talking
My words are mocking
The deaf ears they had fallen on
These words are tainted
With years are jaded
In a sense that’s all but gone
Forget December
It won’t be better
Than I remember it before
And this month only
Will be so lonely
But not so Holy anymore